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Kids love the winter, the cold, the snow, the days off school... Adults, however, get to warm up frozen fingers because their 4 year old was too excited to go out and play in the snow to put on gloves. We get to put out towels for wet boots, have the dryer running constantly to keep snow clothes dry and ready for the next 10 minute outing (because that's usually how long kids stay outside). We also get to entertain restless kids during those long days that schools are closed.
It's hard to be an adult in the Winter with kids, but with a few of these ideas, maybe it will make these last few months a little more smooth, and a little more enjoyable for you!
Bake something. The smell of delicious cupcakes, or yummy cookies always lifts the mood at my house. My kids get to help by dumping ingredients in the bowl, and love watching as the cupcakes rise, or the cookies flatten out. They "sneak" dough, and giggle when they get caught. Being in the kitchen is where my kids are happiest. They know that when we are baking together, they get my full attention, and I love that I get their full attention. We have a rule that if you fight, you don't get to help, so they are always very polite to eachother. They will move their chairs so a sibling can reach or see better, and make sure that everyone has a turn. We love making Rootbeer Cookies, and Lemon Cupcakes. Rootbeer cookies taste like a rootbeer float, and Lemon Cupcakes remind us of sipping Lemonade on a warm summer day.
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Add bright colors to your everyday living spaces. My home is decorated with a lot of dark colors, mostly because it's what we have, and we can't afford new things. We have dark blankets because my mom gave them to us when we got married. We have a darker entertainment center, dark rugs, dark couches, and dark picture frames on our walls. During the summer time, this is fine, because it is so light outside, the darkness of our furniture and decorations doesn't bother me, and it will absorb some of that light and soften the brightness. In the wintertime, it's bad. It creates a dark feel and mood in my home. I like to walk into brightly colored rooms, and spaces, while my husband likes darker colors and spaces. It's a hard balancing act! I finally talked him into getting a yellow and silver bedspread for our bedroom, and I am so glad I did! The rest of the furniture in our room is dark, but having the lighter colored bedspread has changed the feel of our tiny room. It is bright and welcoming now. I feel happier when I wake up, or when I go to bed. I have added a few bright blankets to my living room as well, which is helpful, because now we have extra blankets and no one fights over who gets a blanket, or, "He won't share with me!" Adding a few bright colors lifts your mood.
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Open those curtains, blinds and crack a window open! I find that when it is dark so much of the day, I don't even bother to open the blinds. What is the point? I am going to have to close them by 6 every night any way! It is worth it to open those blinds! Get some Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps fight Depression, and you get a good amount of it from the sun. Amazing, right? You absorb vitamins through sunlight. Just like plants need sunlight to live, so do you. Give yourself a boost by opening those blinds, pull back the curtains, and enjoy the sunlight! Crack a window open, prop open a door, or both! Get some fresh air in your home. If everyone in your house keeps getting sick, it might be because you keep your home shut tight as much as possible. Germs float around your house, even after you clean, because they have no where else to go. During the summer months, you open the doors and windows more often, letting fresh, clean air flow throughout your house, so you tend to get sick less often. Sacrifice a few more minutes of the heater being on, and let the air flow! Speaking of heater, change your filter in your heater more often in the winter. If the filter is full, it can't do it's job, and all those germs will get pushed through your vents even more!
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Wintertime is long, and can be boring, but think outside the box, and instead of wishing for time to pass, enjoy the time you have!